The water gushes at the new Cotter Dam opening on 12 October 2013. In the frame are John Dymke, Chief Engineer, ACTEW, Katy Gallagher, Chief Minister, March Sullivan, CEO of ACTEW, and ACTEW Chair Michael Easson.

(2013) Speech at Opening of the New Cotter Dam

Chief Minister, Katy Gallagher, Speaker Vicki Dunne, other Assemby Members, Mayor Tim Overall, Gai Brodtman, ACT Member of the House of Representatives, Senator Gary Humphries, other MPs, distinguished guests, Chief Executive Mark Sullivan, former ACTEW Chair Jim Service, former Director Ted Mathews, Board members, fellow ACTEW workers, our alliance partners, friends

Patricia Staunton and Michael Easson, circa 1992. From the photo collection, Unions NSW.

(1995) Pat Staunton’s Testimonial

Sometimes I have wondered what she was like when she was younger. For example, the fresh freckled faced girl aged 16, just out of school, boiling water for cups of tea in the accountants’ office in Townsville. Apparently it was Sir Artie Fadden’s old firm and the retired politician would sometimes drop in, flag his hat, and ask “how are you girlies?” to what we would now call the support staff.