(2014) Speech Notes to the ADFA Graduation Ceremony
Forest Gump once said that life is life a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get next. Today we have a better idea.
Forest Gump once said that life is life a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get next. Today we have a better idea.
Chief Minister, Katy Gallagher, Speaker Vicki Dunne, other Assemby Members, Mayor Tim Overall, Gai Brodtman, ACT Member of the House of Representatives, Senator Gary Humphries, other MPs, distinguished guests, Chief Executive Mark Sullivan, former ACTEW Chair Jim Service, former Director Ted Mathews, Board members, fellow ACTEW workers, our alliance partners, friends
What can one say about this bloke? As Adam [Geha] has noted he has been here a long time. One of the early starters. Not on a daily basis. I mean he has had an office in the west, then Melbourne, then here a bit, and back to Perth.
Frank’s story commands our interest tonight. When you think of Frank, the words loyal, decent, determined – a big word for ‘guts’ – faithful, Labor, union, come to mind.
Sometimes I have wondered what she was like when she was younger. For example, the fresh freckled faced girl aged 16, just out of school, boiling water for cups of tea in the accountants’ office in Townsville. Apparently it was Sir Artie Fadden’s old firm and the retired politician would sometimes drop in, flag his hat, and ask “how are you girlies?” to what we would now call the support staff.
Speech delivered 29 August 1992, reproduced in: Labor Council of New South Wales Annual Report and Auditor’s Report for 1992, Labor Council of NSW, Sydney, pp. 12-13.
Half of my reluctance in speaking to you this afternoon is due to memories of my own graduation.
Mr Gareth Evans, Foreign Minister representing the Prime Minister, Mr John Dowd, Attorney General representing the Premier, Mr Jeremy Bingham, Lord Mayor of Sydney, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen – welcome to Australia, Mr Mandela!
Speech to a forum on State Taxation. Assessing the New South Wales Tax Task Force, Proceedings of a Public Forum held at the Hilton Hotel, Sydney, on 14 December, 1988, Conference Series No. 9, Australian Tax Research Foundation, Sydney, 1989, pp. 47-50.
I am sure that most academics would shudder to think that one of their former students – on the strength of a single year’s experience – would purport to explain to such a gathering what he was like as a teacher.