(1977) The ALP Club
The UNSW ALP Club normally meets fortnightly, and its meeting time and venue is advertised in the ‘What’s On’ column.
The UNSW ALP Club normally meets fortnightly, and its meeting time and venue is advertised in the ‘What’s On’ column.
The inaugural meeting of CALPS was held from Thursday May 19th to Sunday May 21st at Melbourne University; each campus club whose objective is to support the ALP was entitled to two delegates to the conference.
Election Statement, published with other student candidates seeking election from the University of Sydney to the Australian Union of Students’ (AUS) Conference, published in Honi Soit, newspaper of the Sydney University Students’ Representative Council, October 1977, p. 18.
The May figures for the Australian labour market released by the Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations, Mr. Street, show that 5.2% of the Australian workforce is unemployed. In New South Wales this figure is over 6%. Nationally there was an average of 16.1 people out of work for every job available in May, as compared with 15.4 in April.
Many members of YLC committed themselves to helping distribute the National Citizen during the election campaign. When they saw that photograph (à la Mirror Bird) a number just plainly refused to distribute the paper.
In a recent edition of Young Labor, an attempt was made to demolish the persuasiveness of Marx’s theories concerning the family. I will attempt to show that Ms. Herman’s article (1) confuses the views of Marx and Engels as being the same; and, (ii) cryptically analyses the faults of Marx and Engels from what is mysteriously called “the Marxist point of view”.
This is a beautifully illustrated book which draws extracts from a variety of authors. Two quotes well demonstrate the corrosive, the destructive, aspects of European colonisation.