Published in New Verses from New Voices, the second collection of poems of the ‘New Voices’ poetry group, Wellington Square Press, Sydney, 2016, p. 25.
Sniffs of irritation, bow ties,
sleek and snappy, in their eyes
eager to please, easy expertise,
starched white, jet black
connoisseur power pack.
Whirling dervishes navigate
in Fred Astaire steps,
balancing wine goblets,
stacked dinner plates,
water pitchers, silver trays
– but wait!
At last a waiter wafts over,
model of composure, arm draped
by a bleached cotton napkin,
then darts past, fast as marlin.
Make bold to reel one in
– question him.
The Frenchman grins first. Free hand
plunges into his pocket, for the
scrip pad wallet: “Vous-avez choisi?”
voiced with winning archness.
L’Office de Tourisme urges more American.
– not going to happen.