(2020) An Interview with Gareth Stewart
Interview on 24 June 2020 with Gareth Stewart, Marketing & Communications Director at that week’s Willow Technology Corporation staff meeting.
Interview on 24 June 2020 with Gareth Stewart, Marketing & Communications Director at that week’s Willow Technology Corporation staff meeting.
Owen Harries (1930-2020), foreign policy adviser, thinker, gadfly, editor, and advocate of the “national interest” realist tradition, died last week. His influence was profound in Australia and globally. He persuaded, stung, prodded those around him to think.
These are my powerpoint notes to an EG staff presentation in March 2020. Next time, I’ll do better.
This debate is about doing good in our lives. About caring for others and getting ready for the next wave of Covid-19 infections. The app is voluntary, the information collected is not owned by the government, there is no policing, there are many protections.
Mary, Isabella Burke, Michael, Louise Burke (née Easson), and Amanda Howard (née Easson), 14 February 2020 in the Botantical Gardens, on the park bench named in honour of Afif Gabriel Geha and Margaret June “Betty” Mariani, formerly Easson.
Our father, who art in heaven, was a complex man – humble, intelligent, self-deprecating (we all got our humour – the Easson wit – from him), proud of his Celtic blood (frugal, sentimental, fiery, brave.)
This essay suggests that Burkean ideas apply to the Australian labour tradition7 and help illuminate that tradition as well as enabling the explication of competing ideas that sit outside, sometimes in competition and sometimes as complementary.
In 25 years, as an independent Director of various ACT government corporations in energy, water, and urban planning, I participated in decisions that continue to shape the future of Canberra.
John Bernard “Jack” Mundey (1929-2000), conservationist, union leader, activist, was an unlikely hero. This article briefly summarises his life, achievements and, finally, reflects on lessons from a life that endured more disappointments than triumphs.
Q&A for the July/August 2020 Special Australia Section of the Institutional Real Estate Asia Pacific (IREAP) journal. Written in late May 2020 in the expectation that excerpts would be published.