(2016) Like Des Renford’s Swimming
Bursting with energy
like Des Renford’s swimming,
loggerhead and green turtles plunge
plump shells into water,
surfacing for breath, rhythmically
sweeping thick oars through the ocean,
frothing the surface.
Bursting with energy
like Des Renford’s swimming,
loggerhead and green turtles plunge
plump shells into water,
surfacing for breath, rhythmically
sweeping thick oars through the ocean,
frothing the surface.
Sea winds cruise overhead,
Cerulean skies, kicked red by
The bloody sun, recede.
From Cheyne Row’s Roman Church,
Parishioners warm to their annual
Procession, every July 7
Drawn irresistibly to the Tower.
Foul, pock-faced cane toad,
ddddddd-ing diesel-motor monotony,
point blunted, brutal snout –
bone-ridge standing out.
Tree hide-outs,
swings, roundabouts
footie dream weaves
caterpillars in silk cocoons
adhere to sticks, festooned
on glue stuck gum-leaves.
I disagree that dawn
And dusk are the
Supreme parts of day.
Profile published in FS Super, The Journal of Superannuation Management, Vol. 8, No. 3.
I might have to raise my voice and abandon the Australian drawl for this lunch. Even in the quiet corner of Matt Moran’s Aria restaurant overlooking Circular Quay, Dr Michael Easson, chairman of the Association of Superannuation Funds and co-founder of real estate funds manager EG, has some difficulty hearing me.
The Middle East, more particularly the Israel-Palestinian conflict, is a subject where few believers listen to arguments from the other side.
The Middle East, more particularly the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, is a subject about which few believers listen to arguments from the other side. With so vexed an issue, polemics, rhetoric, straw-man arguments and raw emotion cloud debate and reason.