Vice President | Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
One of six Vice Presidents. Served, 1993-1994
One of six Vice Presidents. Served, 1993-1994
Served on the board from 1994. With appointment of Barrie Unsworth as Station Manager in 1990, co-developed strategy for narrowcast radio licenses in rural NSW which ultimately, years later, made the Station more valuable and an essential purchase for the NSW TAB. Served, 1989 – 1994
State Rail Authority of NSW, a former statutory authority of the NSW government, was responsible for the operation and maintenance of railways in NSW. Served, 1989 – 1993
Worked in industrial relations in rail, steel, manufacturing and other industries. A highlight was in 1988 discussing with Dick Dusseldorp in Tahiti – on his retirement from Lend Lease – future ventures; this ultimately lead to the formation of the Dusseldorp Skills Forum and Workskills Australia. Served, 1984 – 1989
Succeeded Bob Carr in the role, having previously worked with The Hon. John Brown MP, the Member for Parramatta, from late 1977. Appointed by John Ducker in 1978, then secretary, Barrie Unsworth. Drafted speeches and researched material for Council officers. Served, 1978 – 1984